日期:2009-06-17 15:56
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Epson贊助新銳藝術家,6/20~7/2展出Marc Gerritsen攝影展;6月20日(六)下午開幕茶會,大家可以抽空去看看。 


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日期:2009-11-09 10:39

即時新聞稿 (隨附英文新聞稿)2009年11月9日台灣設計登上世界舞台Taiwan Mod –一段穿越台灣設計的旅程,是第一也是唯一一本國際出版台灣室內設計和建築的書籍,將於11月29日之後全球發行。新書發表暨簽書會將於11月29日6-8 pm至信義誠品3樓 Forum 舉行。欲先賭為快請至 www.taiwanesedesign.com.tw 台灣被視為下一個新興的亞洲設計中心,台灣設計蓬勃發展且逐漸受到國際上的注目。但是是什麼構成了台灣設計? 我們是否能將台灣設計歸類獨立的風格,還是只是剛好「台灣製造」的設計?現在,將是首次有一本書闡述此問題:Taiwan Mod – 一段穿越台灣設計的旅程。 在超過六百三十張動人的照片之中,由知名荷籍攝影師 Marc Gerritsen 湯馬克掌鏡,捕捉當代台灣室內設計及建築攝影的菁華。附載由 Luuk F. van Heerde 訪談多位台灣頂尖設計師,提供讀者第一線觀察線上人士,體驗台灣設計。作為台灣設計第一本國際出版品, Taiwan Mod 責無旁貸的將成為全球建築師與設計師探索新興潮流的指標聖典。 Taiwan Mod (645頁精裝書) 由 Page One Publishing Ltd 出版。Marc Gerritsen 湯馬克 (荷蘭海牙,1956) 畢業於荷蘭埃因霍溫工業設計學院。他在成為全職專業攝影師之前,曾在歐洲、美國和澳洲等地擔任室內設計及家具設計師。 2004 年始於台灣定居,他在世界各地拍攝超過百餘件案子,作品也常刊登於國際雜誌。湯馬克更多攝影作品可在其網站 www.marcgerritsen.com 上觀看,包含肖像、風景和藝術攝影。Luuk F. van Heerde (阿姆斯特丹, 1962) 畢業於荷蘭國立電影學院。在 2007 年定居於台灣之前,曾在歐美擔任編劇及電視製作人。現任於自創品牌 LFVH,專營品牌行銷及公關。 更多資訊請參閱:Marc Gerritsenwww.marcgerritsen.cominfo@marcgerritsen.com+886935169388Luuk F. van Heerdewww.lfvh.cominfo@lfvh.com+886988511004 若需內頁精采照片(僅供本書宣傳使用),請洽以上資訊。以下網址可下載 Taiwan Mod 內頁圖片,由於檔案連結將於7日內失效,麻煩請盡速下載。檔案大小 10.5mb ,照片僅供 Taiwan Mod 宣傳使用,請勿用於他途。http://download.yousendit.com/YkxMZm1ZNHZwaFJMWEE9PQ Marc Gerritsen 歡迎各界訪問,詳情請洽 info@marcgerritsen.com 或致電 +886227216919新傳統:台灣設計的誕生幾世紀的權力鬥爭,荷蘭人和葡萄牙人、中國王朝到最後的日本帝國,塑造成台灣現今的多樣性和豐富文化。 1945 年這個小島在一夕間面臨鉅大的轉變,國民政府接收台灣,大批人民移出中國。直到今天,台灣仍是一曖昧未解的混合體,原住民、移民和外來群眾構成台灣的獨特性。官方定位仍處在激烈的辯論中,觀看要將其視為分裂領土或是驕傲的稱呼自身為一獨立民主亞洲國家。在這樣多元的環境下,單一定位難以被形成。台灣文化豐富多彩,但究竟何謂「台灣文化」? Taiwan Mod 試圖由六百多張台灣當代室內設計及攝影作品,邀請讀者自己做出結論。設計及建築對於台灣來說,相對的是一個嶄新的名詞。長久來,傳統的建築藝術根深蒂固塑造了文化景觀。硬底子師徒建造建築本體,承包商以藝術學校背景決定室內擺設。室內設計師擔任獨當一面的要角似乎是新的觀念,「設計」的出現和趨勢對設計師們提出挑戰,「我們是誰?」「我們要說的是什麼?」不過不只是傳統技藝限制住了台灣設計的自主性,政治和氣候也同樣約束了發展。政治衝突和軍事威嚇,威脅要消滅剛形成的民主。即使主要的城市迅速自發的成長,永恆不變這個概念,和隨之而來的自豪卻並未跟上腳步。實事求是成為鐵律,為了安置大量成長的人口,美感、都市規劃和設計被擺在一邊,強調實用的公寓如雨後春筍般林立。更甚之,台灣常遭受颱風侵襲,且位處地震頻繁的斷層帶,注重功能性的工程建築和價廉的解決方式顯得理直氣壯。儘管建築大規模的增加,建築師和室內設計師仍未尋覓到良好的環境,得以施展將建築和藝術融合。六零年代晚期和早期七零年代,台灣漸趨發展成區域經濟強權,但是一黨獨大的政府依然掌控了社會。直到一九八八年之後,逐漸邁向民主的康莊大道,台灣本位的公民社會才真正成形。工業設計、室內設計和建築獨立自主的形式被接受,而新的設計社群很快浮現。 到了今日,台灣設計的熱情和專業技術可被視為一強大的創意勢力。明顯受到中國和日本的影響,台灣設計將自己定位成一獨創的「區域現代主義」。融合傳統中國古典之美和當代日本風尚,並結合世界共通的觀點和一種新興的,專屬於都會的敏銳感受力。Taiwan Mod 數百張精緻美麗的照片紀錄了此新潮流的出現,影像捕捉自信、大膽且摩登的設計形式,同時仍優雅的保留專屬於亞洲的象徵。經由此書,台灣確認了其在世界舞台上的定位。台灣設計已臻成熟,且不容置疑的將繼續發展下去。press release for immediate useTaipei, November 9, 2009Taiwanese design hits the world stageTaiwan Mod - A Journey Through Taiwanese Design by Marc Gerritsen, the first ever internationally published book about Taiwanese interior design and architecture, will be available in bookstores worldwide on November 29th. A book launch and book signing will be held on November 29, 2009 from 6 to 8 PM at the Xin Yi Eslite bookstore (Eslite Forum, third floor).For a sneak preview of the book please go to www.taiwanesedesign.com.twTaiwan is rapidly becoming a creative hub in Asia. Taiwanese design is booming and gaining international recognition. But what constitutes Taiwanese design? Is it justified to refer to Taiwanese design as an autonomous style or is there just design that happens to be Made inTaiwan?Now, for the very first time, there is a book that attempts to address this question: Taiwan Mod, a journey through Taiwanese design. In more than 630 stunning photographs, renowned Dutch photographer Marc Gerritsen has captured a unique snapshot of contemporary Taiwanese interior design and architecture at its best. In addition, the book contains interviews by Luuk F. van Heerde with some of Taiwan's mostpromising designers, which provide the reader with a candid, sometimes critical view of the world of Taiwanese design and architecture by the people who are actually creating it.As the first ever international book on Taiwanese design, Taiwan Mod is an indispensable field guide for inspired architects and designers all over the world who are interested in exploring the latest emerging trends. Taiwan Mod (645 pages, hardcover) is published by Page One Publishing Ltd.Marc Gerritsen (The Hague, 1956) studied at the Academy for Industrial Design in Eindhoven, the Netherlands. He worked as an interior designer and furniture designer in Europe, the USA and Australia before dedicating himself full-time to photography. A resident of Taiwan since 2004, he has photographed hundreds of projects throughout the world and his work has been published in many international magazines. Samples of his extensive body of work, which includes portraits, landscape and art photography, can be viewed on his website www.marcgerritsen.comLuuk F. van Heerde (Amsterdam, 1962) graduated from the National Film Academy in the Netherlands and worked as a screenwriter and TV producer in Europe and the USA before moving to Taiwan in 2007, where he founded the branding, marketing and communication agency LFVH.Contact information:Marc Gerritsenwww.marcgerritsen.commarc@marcgerritsen.com+886227216919 office+886935169388 mobileLuuk F. van Heerdewww.lfvh.cominfo@lfvh.com+886988511004 mobileRoyalty-free photos from the book (for promotional purposes only) will be supplied on request or can be downloaded for the next 7 days from this link http://download.yousendit.com/YkxMZm1ZNHZwaFJMWEE9PQMarc Gerritsen will be available for interviews before the Nov 29 launchplease contact us on info@marcgerritsen.com or +886227216919 new traditions: the emergence of Taiwanese design Taiwan was hammered into its current complicated shaped by diversity and contrast. After centuries of power struggles between indigenous tribes, Dutch and Portuguese colonial powers, Chinese dynasties and finally, the Japanese empire, the small island's future was changed drastically in 1945 when, almost overnight, the Chinese Nationalists government withdrew to Taiwan, triggering a mass exodus of Chinese from all over the country.To this day, the Republic of China (which is still Taiwan's official name) remains the ultimate conglomeration of conglomerations; a small island nation pieced together from indigenous tribes, immigrants, refugees and foreign occupiers, that proudly declares its own identity, yet sometimes seems to be unsure of what exactly this "Taiwanese" identity is. Even the country's official status is a source of intense debate to this very day, ranging from (and depending on who you want to believe) a rogue province or a proudly independent, democratic Asian nation.One consequence of this rich multiplicity is that a uniform cultural identity did not immediately come into view after the nation's formal existence was declared. There has always been plenty of culture in Taiwan, but is there such a thing as "Taiwanese" culture? Even today, this is a valid question, and the book Taiwan Mod attempts to address this question by presenting over 600 photographs of contemporary Taiwanese design and architecture as evidence, inviting the reader to draw his own conclusion.Design and architecture are relatively new concepts in Taiwan. For the longest time, the cultural landscape was dominated by traditional art forms which were firmly rooted in ancient traditions. Buildings were crafted by master builders and apprentices. Interiors were built by creative contractors with an applied art school background. The notion that there could be a role for an independent interior designer in the process is a relatively new one. The emergence of "design" also raised challenging questions for the designers themselves, notably "who are we?" and "what do we have to say?"But it was not just the tradition of craftsmanship that held back the autonomous role of design in Taiwan; politics and climate also conspired to curb the development. The nation of Taiwan was born out of military strife and the constant threat of an early annihilation of the young republic was a genuine one. Even as the major cities of Taiwan grew spontaneously and at a furious rate, the idea of permanence - and the pride of place that comes with it - was slow to take hold. Pragmatism was the rule and millions of tons of concrete were poured into squat, functional apartment buildings to house the rapidly growing population, with little attention given to aesthetics, urban planning and design.Low-cost solutions and practical engineering prevailed, and for a good reason, too: Taiwan is located both on an active earthquake fault and in the middle of one of South Asia's most prominent Typhoon zones. In spite of the massive building boom, architecture and interior design did not find the fertile environment they needed to blossom into significant art forms. During the late '60 and early '70's, Taiwan slowly transformed into a strong regional economy, but the single-party authoritarian government kept a tight grip on Taiwanese society and it was not until 1988, after the country started its journey on the long road to democracy, that a true Taiwanese society started to materialize. Modern art forms like industrial design, interior design and architecture gradually became accepted as autonomous disciplines and a burgeoning design community emerged.Today, Taiwanese design is a powerful creative force that can be defined as much by its enthusiasm as its professionalism. With clear influences from China and Japan, Taiwanese design has managed to establish itself as a unique form of "regional modernism", using traditional forms from Chinese and Japanese design and combining them with a cosmopolitan outlook and a new urban sensibility.The hundreds of exquisite photographs in Taiwan Mod clearly document the emergence of this new phenomenon. The images capture the rise of a confident, bold and urban style of design that is elegant and modern, with an unmistakable Asian signature. With this book, Taiwan has finally made the leap to the international stage. Taiwanese design has arrived, and it's obvious it's here to stay.